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Cemcat, flagship for teaching
Teaching is a part of Cemcat's identity. Neuroimmunology is one of the fields experiencing the fastest growth and a major paradigm shift, demanding intense teaching activity by the centre
This activity is structured in the form of undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and ongoing training of professionals who already specialise in multiple sclerosis. All of which is made possible by the fact that Cemcat has on its professional team acknowledged experts and opinion leaders in the field of multiple sclerosis.
The Cemcat Chair of Neuroimmunology, founded in 2015, promotes high-quality teaching with a scientific basis and research transfer vocation. At the same time, the aim is to promote research in Neuroimmunology.
In 2015, Cemcat and the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), with the support of the FEM and Genzyme, signed an agreement to set up the Cemcat Chair of Neuroimmunology. The agreement represents the first example in the field of multiple sclerosis of strategic collaboration between a flagship centre, university, society and business. Dr Xavier Montalban, the Director of Cemcat, is the Director of the Chair, which counts various professionals from the centre among its teaching staff.

The Cemcat Chair of Neuroimmunology covers:
- Undergraduate training at the UAB Medical Faculty. Dr Xavier Montalban, Director of Cemcat and Associate Professor of the UAB, teaches on the Neurology course at the Medical Faculty of the UAB, based at Vall d'Hebron University Hospital.
- Organisation of the Neuroimmunology subject on the Official Advanced Immunology Master's (joint UB-UAB programme).
- Direction of doctoral theses of laboratory and clinical professionals.
- Practical training of Neurology residents from Vall d'Hebron Hospital, along with residents from other hospitals around the world, above all from the rest of Europe and Latin America. Dr Jordi Río, Head of Hospitalisation at Cemcat, is the tutor of the Neurology Service residents.
- Organisation of ongoing training courses and training placements for neurologists, nurses, neurorehabilitation professionals, sales teams, etc.
- Publication of the Revista de Neuroinmunología journal, founded in 1997
- Organisation of information seminars for patients affected by neuroimmunological diseases (essentially multiple sclerosis)
- Organisation of the Online Master's in Neuroimmunology comprising 60 ECTS (internal UAB master's programme)