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Multidisciplinary centre
In accordance with Cemcat's vision, the practical implementation of a people-centred healthcare philosophy requires a deeper approach to cross-functionality and interdisciplinarity.
Neurologists and researchers, neuropsychologists, nurses, assistants, physiotherapists, as well as a speech therapist, an occupational therapist and a social worker, make up the Cemcat team.
In this regard, Cemcat has in place a multidisciplinary team, establishing links with professionals from various disciplines to improve patient diagnosis and treatment. For example, Cemcat promotes clinical management initiatives involving all healthcare teams, and maintains an ongoing relationship with other areas involved in benefits for MS patients, such as the Vall d'Hebron Magnetic Residence Unit.
Clinical sessions
Cemcat organises weekly clinical sessions to discuss patients' initial appointments and reach decisions as to treatments. The sharing of information among the entire healthcare team means that decisions are reached by consensus. The clinical sessions provide proof of the multidisciplinary approach and high level of definition of processes at Cemcat.
Clinical sessions contribute towards the aim of achieving a more personalised treatment.
The members of the Cemcat healthcare team (neurologists, neuropsychologists, nurses and therapists) are also joined by the radiologists and pharmacologists of the Vall d'Hebron Hospital, and those on rotation during their training period at the centre.
Once per week clinical sessions are staged by video conference with other centres in Catalonia (the Dr Josep Trueta Hospital in Girona and the Arnau de Vilanova Hospital in Lleida). Thanks to these videoconferences, all professionals are able to share their knowledge and discuss complex cases so as to individualise the way patients are handled as far as possible. This thus maintains the spirit of networking first established at Cemcat as a flagship centre.

Joint sessions are also staged each month with the Vall d'Hebron Hospital Magnetic Resonance Unit. At these sessions, clinical data are brought together with the results of magnetic resonance so as to be able to offer patients a much more accurate diagnosis. Particular emphasis should be placed in this regard on the close cooperation with the Magnetic Resonance Unit and its director, Dr Alex Rovira.
Neurorehabilitation team meetings
The professionals who make up the neurorehabilitation team at Cemcat meet daily to share the evaluations performed by the team at their initial examinations, patient follow-up and discharges within the rehabilitation programme.